1. How does a hero become a hero?
They become hero by always been there in the good and bad times
2. Project Description- What was the Hero in My Eyes project?
The hero in my eyes project was that we had to pick someone that has been there for us. Then we had to write an essay about why they are our heroes we had to be very descript.
3. Process- What steps did you take to get to the final product?
Well we had to do drafts and then we had to go with our peer, so they can make sure we had everything good. After we did that we had to type our final draft
4. Reflection- What did you learn? What challenges did you encounter?
What would you do the same or different? How will this help you later?
Hero isn’t a person that has only powers a hero can also be a person who is always there for you.
My challenge was doing the hero CS I didn’t understand how to do it at the beginning but now I know how to.
What I would have done better was that I would add more information to my final draft.
This would help me improve my essay
I used wonder because I sometimes ask to myself all those questions on my hero essay
Monday, November 9, 2009
Giving advice to my problems
This person that she turns to be my hero she’s 25 years old she’s very pretty has brown eyes and her name is Marilyn. She was at my house sitting down in the couch watching TV when she sees me there sitting down with my face all sad. I had told her that I was having problems. I ask her when I talk to you about my problems how do you feel knowing that you’re helping me on them? She said, “I feel good knowing that I can help other people. I especially like helping my sister-in-law because it makes me feel like I am helping a young sister that I never had.” As Marilyn was talking to me I felt kind of special because she had told me that besides just being a sister-in-law I was like a sister to her, I was happy with a smile on my face.
As we were talking I was thinking in my head how does she feel when I’m telling her my problems? I had asked her that and she told me that she, “Feels good because it makes me know that you trust me and that you know you can always count on me.” I was impress you have told me that I never herd that from none of my sisters-in-law.
After a while we stop talking and we were just there watching a movie and through the movie I ask her do you like helping me by giving me advice and helping me on my big problems? “Of course I like helping you. I can relate to most of your problems because I went through the same problem as a teenager”, said Marilyn
Once she had told me if she likes helping me I had ask her how you do know how to fix my problems? She was thinking about it. Marilyn said, “well I don’t feel like I always know the answer to everything but I try to learn from my life experience and I try to give you good advice so that you don’t make the same mistakes I made”, I told her yeah I know. So that’s why I’m going to do good in school.
I was really into asking her a lot of questions about my problem I really wanted to ask her this question because it was one of the most important one. I really want to know if you like helping me on my problems? As Marilyn answer my question, saying that “I like helping you because I don’t want to see you get hurt and I like to see you succeed. I was like really happy that I had a sister-in-law like her she has helped me realize that I do care for her.
Every time we have a conversation about someone I’m always telling her my problems. I told her to tell me when she feels she helps me that most she told me “The time I help you the most when you had boyfriend and homework problems. I feel that I have helped you a lot with school and homework. Ever since you were in kinder grade you always ask for help. I have also seen grow from a little girl to a beautiful teenager and have seen you get heart broken more than once. I know every time this happens it always make you feel better when you talk to someone about you problem I’m glad that person is me,” said Marilyn. Did you feel sorry for me when you have helped me on my problems? “I feel bad and sad when you have really bad problems. But most. of the time I feel proud of you because I know that no matter how hard the problem is you always find a way to solve it and make it all better”, she said. I was really proud she shows me that she dose care about me and that no matter what, she’s always going to be there for me.
As we were talking I was thinking in my head how does she feel when I’m telling her my problems? I had asked her that and she told me that she, “Feels good because it makes me know that you trust me and that you know you can always count on me.” I was impress you have told me that I never herd that from none of my sisters-in-law.
After a while we stop talking and we were just there watching a movie and through the movie I ask her do you like helping me by giving me advice and helping me on my big problems? “Of course I like helping you. I can relate to most of your problems because I went through the same problem as a teenager”, said Marilyn
Once she had told me if she likes helping me I had ask her how you do know how to fix my problems? She was thinking about it. Marilyn said, “well I don’t feel like I always know the answer to everything but I try to learn from my life experience and I try to give you good advice so that you don’t make the same mistakes I made”, I told her yeah I know. So that’s why I’m going to do good in school.
I was really into asking her a lot of questions about my problem I really wanted to ask her this question because it was one of the most important one. I really want to know if you like helping me on my problems? As Marilyn answer my question, saying that “I like helping you because I don’t want to see you get hurt and I like to see you succeed. I was like really happy that I had a sister-in-law like her she has helped me realize that I do care for her.
Every time we have a conversation about someone I’m always telling her my problems. I told her to tell me when she feels she helps me that most she told me “The time I help you the most when you had boyfriend and homework problems. I feel that I have helped you a lot with school and homework. Ever since you were in kinder grade you always ask for help. I have also seen grow from a little girl to a beautiful teenager and have seen you get heart broken more than once. I know every time this happens it always make you feel better when you talk to someone about you problem I’m glad that person is me,” said Marilyn. Did you feel sorry for me when you have helped me on my problems? “I feel bad and sad when you have really bad problems. But most. of the time I feel proud of you because I know that no matter how hard the problem is you always find a way to solve it and make it all better”, she said. I was really proud she shows me that she dose care about me and that no matter what, she’s always going to be there for me.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
The origin zero
I thought the articles were very interesting they were talking about the number zero.They were talking about placeholders. The number zero was discover by some semi-intelligent creature.
In my opinion there wasn't a single person to invented the number zero.In my opinion some sort of communication with numbers to where someone could teach people.
I think that zero just a number that really doesn't mean anything.
I really like reading all those interesting articles they were very good.
In my opinion there wasn't a single person to invented the number zero.In my opinion some sort of communication with numbers to where someone could teach people.
I think that zero just a number that really doesn't mean anything.
I really like reading all those interesting articles they were very good.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
A Special Moment In My Life

Catching the signal from one of her friends, Carolina brushed her skirt, took a deep breath and walked towards where he was sitting. She couldn’t believe that he was right there feeling her touching around her waist. Her Blue eyes were as blues as the water. She was wearing a baby blue skirt and a white shirt. Her Legs were an earthquake. Angela thought how time never waits for anymore. Angela finally decided to talk to the guy she was having a crush on him. She had been waiting for this moment to come. She sat next to him in the rocks looking at the water and she said, “I always see you and you’re always standing there with your friends.” “Well my name is Carolina.”
Hey My Name is Christopher yeah I ‘m always with my friends because I Like to kick it with them a lot.” “I love you’re name Carolina you’re so pretty.”
Carolina smiled, “Thanks you’re really cute and you seem nice person to be with.” They were talking for almost a 1hour Carolina wanted to date him so bad she wanted to spend time with him. When they started walking Christopher ask her if she wanted to go to the movies.
“Yeah I really want to,” she said.
“Cool, hey hit me up some other time here is my cell phone number.” Carolina grabs her phone and stared saving Christopher’s number. Carolina was so nervous she couldn’t wait to go with him to the movies. She was so happy that when she got home back she started calling her friends and telling them the story of her and Christopher.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Humanities- vignette

My Boyfriend Breaking My Heart (We Are Back Again :))
It was a sunny day, at lunch and I started walking to Vons when I suddenly herd somebody calling my name. It was my ex, “Hey Ara come here,” he said. We were in front of Vons people were walking around us, we could hear the cars of the stores moving, flowers around us, soda cans being opened and people just eating.
I couldn’t stop staring at him. He looked so cute with his black shirt spike hair and baggy pants, but I had a bad feeling about this. He usually gives me a hello kiss. Looking at his lips moving I wanted to kiss him, hearing those words coming out of his juicy lips made me worried. Looking at his brown eyes made me remember of all the good moments we had. Then out of nowhere he says to me that our relationship is over. It took me by surprise it made everything around me stop, and it made my heart feel a deep pain.
As he was talking saying that it was over I couldn’t believe it especially after all the good moments we had, like his birthday and when we went to parties and we danced together having his arms around my waist and moving to the sound of music. Just looking at his eyes made me have my tears coming from my eyes. I couldn’t believe all the words that they were coming out of his mouth I was so shocked. I felt so sad after all this, after all the things we did together. I just hope that this pain that I feel will some day go away.
I feel like I would never have my life the same after every special moment we had.
All those moments change my life since I can’t touch those juicy lips his hands grabbing my hand and when he had his hand around my waist. It’s hard to move on after every little thing you do with the person you love. As I’m showing you I hope u can realize that love kind of hurts but at the same time is something really special.

this is my link
I Can hear waves moving.At first it sound it really soft rocks following down from the top.Then I though it was good. Like about a second when the sound start it to go faster I could hear steps like someone was chancing other people.It also sound it like someone was eating something that was really hard. It sound really loud and scary after when I hear it I couldn't stop listing to it. It sound it scare that every time you go somewhere dark you going to remember this sound as you walk you going to feel someone behind you. When I hear this sound I feel lonely its a feeling that you cant explain.Every time you hear this sound you just want to look around and see that nobody is behind you. It sound like a train going on the woods without destination.I cant put nobody in this position were you can hear this scary sound.You can hear trees moving.Even though its scary It seem like if i want it to be there because it sound really calm. Everyone who listens to this sound could relax and enjoy the sound. I recommend that you listen to this sound
Thursday, October 1, 2009
The Locker Problem
This solution problem has 31 lockers remain open. First i had found the pattern of odd. The lockers were open by the pattern they are 1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100,121,144, and 160 and it keeps on going we know that all this numbers are perfect squares. Each of the lockers get change. If each of the lockers are odd there are the once that are open. Each student opens a different locker. If the even number have touch the locker it would be close. Only the odd numbers are open because they are perfect square. Here is how u multiply, you multiply by 16 and25 and ect. Here are the numbers you can multiply by to get to (16) 1*16, 2*8, 4*4 and also to get to (25) you multiply 1*25, 5*5. Every perfect square have a factor that are pair by root factor.
1. Student | 2. student |
| 3.student. | 4.student | 5.student | 6. student |
1.Open | Open |
| Open | Open | Open | Open |
2.Open | Close |
| Open | Close | Open | Close |
3.Open | Close |
| Close | Close | Open | Open |
4.Open | Close |
| Close | Open | Open | Open |
5.Open | Close |
| Close | Open | Close | Close |
6.Open | Close |
| Close | Open | Close | Close |
Sunday, September 27, 2009
S.L.O.B Character- What I Did This Weekend

It was a Sunday morning. It was a really cold day I had to wake up so early to help Mary to do the honey. Mary and I we were at the Kitchen, Rosaleen and June were coming to the kitchen too. After a while August was going to do the dinner for everyone. August was the first one to be awake. After a minute I was thinking that what if T-Ray wanted it to take Mary and me away from Rosaleen, August and June. I didn't know what to do if I should have told Rosaleen about what I was thinking.
We were at the house the whole day because it was to cold to go out. Been with them it made me happy. Even though I was thinking about the problem that I had. I was really scare that T-Ray was going to come over for Mary and me. I was thinking about it all day I couldn't stop thinking about it. I couldn't even eat because I had T-Ray on my mind. After this I had a dream about my mom I was crying because she was dead Rosaleen sow me cry she was talking to me she said, what's wrong I was like I'm crying because mom is not with me anymore Rosaleen told me don't cry anymore your mom always going to be with me anywhere I go. I couldn't stop crying it hurt me so bad that she wasn't with me anymore by my side.
After dinner, June told me why was my eyes red, and I told her what I had told Rosaleen. June had told me the same thing that Rosaleen said to me. I thank Rosaleen, June, Mary, and August to be there for me when I need them. The sun was going down and I was really tired of helping Mary do the honey. Before I went to bed, I told Rosaleen and June thanks for helping me. When I got to bed I fall asleep right away. I was ready for the next day to make some more honey.
We were at the house the whole day because it was to cold to go out. Been with them it made me happy. Even though I was thinking about the problem that I had. I was really scare that T-Ray was going to come over for Mary and me. I was thinking about it all day I couldn't stop thinking about it. I couldn't even eat because I had T-Ray on my mind. After this I had a dream about my mom I was crying because she was dead Rosaleen sow me cry she was talking to me she said, what's wrong I was like I'm crying because mom is not with me anymore Rosaleen told me don't cry anymore your mom always going to be with me anywhere I go. I couldn't stop crying it hurt me so bad that she wasn't with me anymore by my side.
After dinner, June told me why was my eyes red, and I told her what I had told Rosaleen. June had told me the same thing that Rosaleen said to me. I thank Rosaleen, June, Mary, and August to be there for me when I need them. The sun was going down and I was really tired of helping Mary do the honey. Before I went to bed, I told Rosaleen and June thanks for helping me. When I got to bed I fall asleep right away. I was ready for the next day to make some more honey.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Favorite fictional hero

My favorite fictional hero would have to be Superman, I think he is the survivor of our planet because he help people.
Superman is the person we need I like the movie Superman because he had experience on helping other people who need it help from other planets.
This hero is someone special because thanks to him everyone is safe at one point Superman was one of our hero that helped us.
Superman is the person we need I like the movie Superman because he had experience on helping other people who need it help from other planets.
This hero is someone special because thanks to him everyone is safe at one point Superman was one of our hero that helped us.
Friday, September 4, 2009
What is Math?What is Physics?

Math it's something that I want to learn a lot because it's something that we always going to use anywhere you go. Well math to me is something really good even though you get stressful because you have to be really patient also it's a hard work specially if you don't really get it at all. Math is something interesting thing. Math helps you a lot, helps you by getting you really smart and also you have to learn all the graphs they have. It helps you if you ever thing to have your own job you know how much money your making. Basically what I'm trying to say is that math helps you for anything you need.
Physics to me is something really interesting because you get to do many labs. You get to be a scientific person by doing many experience. Learning physics helps you became a physic teacher and been a physic teacher can also help other people by doing labs that they don't even know how to do and also how to find the results. Physics is something really cool because you get to use a lot of materials and you get to test other experience that you have never done. I really like physics because you get to do experience that you don't expect to do and to learn and you get to try it out. Basically what I'm trying to say is that physics are something that you going to like and that you would always do if your interesting.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
30 things you dont know about me
1.I never been to las Vegas
2.My passion is to dance
3.My favor move is ATL
4.I like to party
5.I like shopping
6.My favorite colors are black and white
7.I hate sushi
8.I like watching movies
9.I hate homework
10.I'm single
11.I'm turning 15 in December
12.I'm planning my fifteen
13.I like to talk on the phone
14.I love texting people
15.I like helping people
16.I like going to Disneyland
17. I love rollercoasters
18.Im catholic
19.I have 2 brothers and 1 sister
20.I don't like drama
21.I like doing make-up and hair
22.I like watching Spanish soap operas
23.I like playing volleyball
24.I like going to kickbacks
25.I haven't visit my family in Mexico for ten years
26.Favorite artist is wisin y yandel
27.Im going to their concert on October
28.I like sleepovers
29.I wanna learn how to speak in french
30.I love jewlery
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